Collection Notre-Dame cathedral's rebuilding

Resurrecting Notre-Dame de Paris

On April 15 and 16, 2019, a fire devastated Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, and the restoration work began immediately. The CFRT – Le Jour du Seigneur filming team, the only one authorized to follow the progress of the work, set out to document the stages of this monumental project until 2022. The images collected offer a unique and unparalleled insight, highlighting the technical and human challenges faced by the artisans, engineers, and scientists involved in this extraordinary project: dismantling the charred scaffolding, clearing the vaults, removing the organ, securing the site, selecting trees for the future framework, initial restorations of statues, stained glass windows, and murals… During interviews, these men and women, entrusted with an exceptional mission, share their experiences with great emotion.

These 28 hours of raw footage shot on the reconstruction site of the cathedral and in the premises of the restoration actors were previously used (documentary ‘Notre-Dame de Paris - Behind the Scenes of a Resurrection’ and web clips not covered by this agreement)

28 hours


de 2019 à 2022

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